Logical Thinking and Problem Solving
Before we code let's first determine if you like problem solving!
In this course we will not look at very much code at all. Instead we will focus on working through problems using a visual programming language called blockly. It's almost a "programming game" if you will. This is helpful to get kids started in programming. But these games are equally fun and educational for adults.
Each set of games will be used to introduce to you core programming concepts like logical branching (if, else if), looping (for, while), using colored blocks as you see in the picture above. You can then snap each of the different types of blocks together to solve a problem. When you think you have the right combination of blocks you can run your program by clicking the big red run button.
Enjoy this course! These games are fun, AND HARD. If you can get through these without too much pain, you can be a programmer.
Your Instructor
CEO and Founder of Inventive Academy. Former Chief Architect of dell.com. Former Chief Architect of Clear Measure. Author of many technical books (and some non-technical).
Father of 6.
Get to know Andrew Siemer:
CEO of http://www.inventive.io
Long time software engineer and architect: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewsiemer/
Author: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?field-keyw...
Programmers Dream Career: https://leanpub.com/programmers-dream-career
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/asiemer
Sustainable pig farmer at Friendly Pastures.
Geeky blogger at http://www.lostechies.com/andrewsiemer